Political campaigning for sustainable UK fisheries management
Seahorse has been invaluable in supporting Greenpeace's political campaigning on the Fisheries Bill. They've been passionate about the brief, quick to spot new opportunities, and tireless in all they've done.
Rebecca Newsom, Head of Politics, Greenpeace
Oceans | Political engagement | Profile raising
Leaving the EU Common Fisheries Policy was touted as an opportunity to drastically improve the management and protection of UK seas – but the Government has so far failed to seize it. As the UK continues to develop an independent post-Brexit fisheries management regime, there is an urgent need for political will to halt overfishing and reverse the decline of our marine environment.
Our activity
Seahorse has supported Greenpeace UK campaigns to improve UK fisheries management and protect our marine life post-Brexit.
In 2018, Seahorse helped develop the political strategy and engagement necessary to seek changes to the Fisheries Bill to ensure a fairer and more sustainable reallocation of fishing opportunities across the UK fleet. Engaging with MPs, the Bill Committee, Defra and a legal team, we developed an amendment that was the only one to be passed at Committee Stage.
Further work with the Greenpeace oceans team set out to raise political awareness of a joint ‘declaration of emergency’ by NGOs and local fishing associations for the English Channel and the Southern North Sea due to rampant overfishing and destructive fishing practices such as fly-shooting and bottom-trawling. The campaign culminated with a flotilla of small-scale UK fishing vessels travelling up the Thames to Parliament to amplify their call for action.
Seahorse organised a Westminster event to coincide with the flotilla, secured supportive statements from a Defra minister and MPs, delivered political briefings, and coordinated engagement between fishers present on the day and local coastal MPs. This work culminated in Greenpeace securing a meeting with the Fisheries Minister to discuss the declaration.
Our impact
With Seahorse’s support, Greenpeace has achieved key changes to the Fisheries Bill to ensure a fairer and more sustainable reallocation of fishing opportunities across the UK fleet.