Supporting the delivery of a circular economy and the implementation of a Deposit Return Scheme
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Evidence from more than 40 countries and regions around the world shows that Deposit Return Schemes (DRS) for drinks bottles and cans are a tried and tested solution to tackling litter and boosting recycling. However, the implementation of this policy across the UK has been repeatedly delayed over recent years, with the recent change of Government offering both opportunities and risks for its delivery.
Our activity
We have been working with circular economy experts Reloop to support the implementation of an ambitious DRS across the UK. Our political work during this crucial election year has included securing meetings with key advisors and politicians during the manifesto writing period ahead of the 2024 election, delivering an event at Labour Party Conference in 2024 and organising a successful parliamentary drop-in for MPs to show their backing for the scheme.
Our media work has focused on securing coverage for Reloop’s expert perspective at important moments in the policy’s development. We delivered a media strategy for Reloop which offers a detailed plan for ensuring that the positive benefits of the scheme are understood by the public.
Our impact
At the start of 2024 there was uncertainty over the future of DRS, with the Labour Party having said little about the policy in opposition. Reloop’s engagement with key decision makers both pre- and post-election has helped ensure that the policy has been fully committed to by the new Government. Reloop's December 2024 drop-in parliamentary event was attended by many MPs as well as the Circular Economy Minister who reiterated her backing for the policy.
We have helped Reloop build a reputation as a go-to voice on DRS, with regular coverage of Reloop’s quotes and placement of op-ed pieces. Our ongoing media strategy work has ensured that Reloop are well-placed to offer a trusted public voice ahead of the full implementation of the policy in October 2027.