In September 2017, photographer Justin Hofman revealed an image that sent shockwaves around the world and captured our collective imagination. A tiny seahorse clings on to a plastic cotton bud as it drifts through the waters surrounding Indonesia. The striking contrast between the purity and beauty of the seahorse and the disposability of the cotton bud clearly communicates the existential threat posed to the natural environment by our unthinking everyday actions, and further opened the eyes of the world to the need for change.
Hofman wrote about his now world-famous seahorse saying, ‘It’s a photo that I wish didn’t exist but now that it does, I want everyone to see it.’ This quote resonates not just with marine life but with many aspects of the natural environment and the need for clear, impactful communications to mobilise the public and decision-makers.
The impact of an organisation on the environment and society, as well as the impact of environmental and societal shifts on the organisation, are now of major and growing importance. As a result, every organisation needs to understand, plan for and manage their risks and opportunities for value creation and drive change through strategic communication to stakeholders.
This demands specialist advice from people who both understand the environmental community and have top-level communications skills and first-hand experience of how governments, parliaments, civil servants, shareholders and consumers operate, think and behave.
Seahorse launched on 11 April 2018 to operate in this market. We bring our love of nature and humanity to find ways of communicating and connecting that lead to change.